The Code_Aster ProNet aims to create a new impulse :
- to encourage the industrial teams involved in the appropriation of Code_Aster Open source, in particular to help the raising of service supplies ;
- to cultivate and make known the appreciation of Code_Aster Open source : freely opened source code, structure for scientific collaboration and capitalization of computational mechanics models, space of creativity ;
- to connect the actors of the community beyond the technical and specific exchanges on the forum.
Advantages for the community
- To create multilateral exchanges (with EDF R & D and between the members) of better quality while raising the limits of a public and anonymous forum ;
- To increase the visibility of the members on the various applications carried out and the various practices of use ;
- To disseminate privileged information on the axes of evolution engaged by the actors contributing to the development, of which EDF R & D ;
- To gather and structure of the requests to the service providers ;
- To gear down the opportunities of cooperative developments.
Advantages for EDF R&D
- Opportunities for new collaborative-development and partnerships;
- Reputation for the quality and the performance of EDF’s software products ;
- Feedbacks from the community : judgments by peers, extension of usages, feedbacks on the quality of Code_Aster Open source ;
- Create an impulse in the community and attract young engineers who see in our company and our partners a more modern and free vision of computer science technology ;
- To encourage more efficient service suppliers for the extension of the distribution and the benefits of every user.
Four categories of voluntary organizations are invited to join the Network :
- industrial teams (team R&D, operational or subsidiary team, research departments suppliers or not from EDF…) ;
- academic teams committed in actions of teaching ;
- research teams and organisations for exchanges between university-industry about Code_Aster Open source as a framework for capitalizing researches in computational mechanics ;
- service providers and Value Added Reseller for Code_Aster Open source.
Membership to the Network is open, but a membership agreement will guarantee to all the members an effective operation and a protection against the diversion of the objectives of co-operation around Code_Aster Open source
The membership (for three years) to the Network concern organizations actually engaged in the use, and/or the distribution or the development additional of Code_Aster Open source.
The academic organizations ensuring teaching with no lucrative goal can join without paying fee.
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