
Members : Users

Ingenieurbüro Steffen Schlott, 1 - 24876 Hollingstedt, Germany Membre depuis 2019
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Holger STEFFEN +49 172 4926121 h.steffen[.at.]aar-naval.com
Aether Engineering 50136 Firenze – Italia www.aethereng.com Membre depuis février 2017

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Ioannis P. CHRISTOVASILIS +39 3314083022 ipc[.at.]aethereng.com
Lorenzo RIPARBELLI +39 3314083022 riparbelli[.at.]aethereng.com
AIRBUS Group - Innovations 31703 Blagnac - France www.airbusgroup.com/int/en/innovation-environment/airbus-group-innovations.html Member since 2011

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Philippe CRESTA +33 (0)5 61 16 88 49 philippe.cresta[.at.]airbus.com
Dominique DELOISON +33 (0)1 46 97 30 00 dominique.deloison[.at.]airbus.com
ANDRITZ Hydro 1800 Vevey - Switzerland www.andritz.com Member since 2014

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Adrien TARUFFI +41 (44) 275 805 adrien.taruffi[.at.]andritz.com
ANDRITZ Hydro AB Värsteräs 72130 Sweden www.andritz.com Member since 2014

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Mikael HELIN +46 640 177 00 mikael.helin[.at.]andritz.com
Tobias MARTEN +46 640 177 00 tobias.marten[.at.]andritz.com
B.Ing 95260 CORMEILLES en PARISIS - France Member since 2013

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Stéphane BRIX +33 (0)6 78 30 28 68 Bx.i[.at.]free.fr
Bouygues Bâtiment Île de France 78061 St Quentin en Yvelines - France http://www.bouygues-batiment-ile-de-france.com/ Member since 2012

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Philippe BUSI +33 (0)1 30 60 23 28 p.busi[.at.]bouygues-construction.com
David AUCLAIR +33 (0)1 30 60 53 81 d.auclair[.at.]bouygues-construction.com
Jean-Michel HABLOT +33 (0)1 30 60 48 74 jm.hablot[.at.]bouygues-construction.com
Hong-Phong CAO hp.cao[.at.]bouygues-construction.com
CEREMA 77487 Provins - France http://www.cerema.fr Member since 2011

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Jean GUAL +33 (0)1 60 52 32 06 jean.gual[at]cerema.fr
Jacques BERTHELLEMY +33 (0)1 60 52 32 69 jacques.berthellemy[at]cerema.fr
Bertrand CAUVIN bertrand.cauvin[at]cerema.fr
COPERION K-Tron CH 5702 NIEDERLENZ - Switzerland http://www.coperionktron.com Membership since February 2016

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Urs HELFENSTEIN +41 62 885 72 56 uhelfenstein[.at.]coperionktron.com
Men BERNEGGER +41 62 885 71 63 mbemegger[.at.]coperionktron.com
EDF R&D 91120 Palaiseau - France https://www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/qui-sommes-nous/activites/recherche-et-developpement Membre depuis 2011

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Dominique GEOFFROY +33 1 78 19 38 37 dominique.geoffroy[.at.]edf.fr
Mickaël ABBAS +33 1 78 19 37 42 mickael.abbas[.at.]edf.fr
EGIS Industries 93188 Montreuil - France www.egis.fr/expertises-et-specialites/industrie Member since 2012

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Elias BOU-SAÏD +33 (0)4 37 72 20 67 elias.bou-said[.at.]egis.fr
Silvano ERLICHER +33 (0)1 73 13 19 14 silvano.erlicher[.at.]egis.fr
IFP Énergies Nouvelles 92852 Rueil - Malmaison - France
69360 Solaize - France
www.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr Member since 2011

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Daniele COLOMBO +33 (0)1 47 52 73 69 daniele.colombo[.at.]ifpen.fr
Martin GUITON +33 (0)4 37 70 20 00 martin.guiton[.at.]ifpen.fr
Imperial College LONDON SW7 2AZ - United Kingdom www.imperial.ac.uk Member since 2016

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Norbert HOFFMANN +44 20 7594 1458 n.hoffmann[.at.]imperial.ac.uk
Loic SALLES +44 20 7594 2243 l.salles[.at.]imperial.ac.uk
INERIS 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte - France www.ineris.fr Member since 2012

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Mathieu REIMERINGER +33 (0)3 44 55 65 26 mathieu.reimeringer[.at.]ineris.fr
Étienne CATRY +33 (0)2 48 48 40 52 etienne.catry[.at.]ineris.fr
INGÉROP 92563 RUEIL MALMAISON - France www.ingerop.com Member since 2013

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Pierre LANG +33 (0)4 76 41 54 00 pierre.lang[.at.]ingerop.com
Mahsa MOZAYAN +33 (0)1 49 04 58 51 mahsa.mozayan-kharazi[.at.]ingerop.com
Victor MAFFI-BERTHIER +33 (0)1 49 04 58 02 victor.maffi-berthier[.at.]ingerop.com
FH Aachen – Bio Mechanik 52428 Jülich - Germany www.fh-aachen.de/en/faculties/medical-engineering-and-applied-mathematics/einrichtungen/labor-biomechanik/ Member since 2013

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Prof. Manfred STAAT +49 241 6009 53120 staat[.at.]fh-aachen.de
Minh Tuan DUONG +49 241 6009 53860 duong[.at.]fh-aachen.de
Aroj BHATTARAI +49 241 6009 53209 bhattarai[.at.]fh-aachen.de
Hydro Québec H2L 4M8 Montreal(Québec) - Canada www.hydroquebec.com Member since 2015

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Alexis L.DESROCHERS +1(514) 840-3000 x4999 ldesrochers.alexis[.at.]hydro.qc.ca
Louis-Philippe BERUBE +1(514) 840-3000 x3749 berube.louisphilippe[.at.]hydro.qc.ca
Simon PRUD’HOMME +1(514) 840-3000 x4258 prudhomme.simon[.at.]hydro.qc.ca
IMSIA 92141 Clamart - France www.imsia.cnrs.fr Member since 2011

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Pierre MOUSSOU +33 1 78 19 38 66 pierre.moussou[.at.]edf.fr
Alexandre MARTIN +33 1 78 19 37 46 alexandre-externe.martin[.at.]edf.fr
KOBE Engineering ITALY – UNIFI – DICEA 50139 FIRENZE Member since 2016

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Michele BETTI mbetti[.at.]dicea.unifi.it
Riccardo CORAZZI riccardo.corazzi[.at.]kobe-ie.com
Vladimir Cerisano KOVAČEVIĆ vladimir.kovacevic[.at.]kobe-ie.com
La Machine 44200 NANTES - France www.lamachine.fr Member since 2011

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Jean-Pierre AUBRY +33 (0)6 88 67 07 95 jeanpierre[.at.]lamachine.fr
LafargeHolcim - Central Research 38070 Saint-Quentin Fallavier - France www.lafargeholcim.com Member since 2011

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Arnaud DELAPLACE +33 (0)4 74 82 80 16 arnaud.delaplace[.at.]lafargeholcim.com
Bruno HUET bruno.m.huet[.at.]lafargeholcim.com
MaSC - The University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL - United Kingdom www.mace.manchester.ac.uk/research/centres/masc/ Member since 2011

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Mike SMITH +44 (0) 161 275 4331 mike.c.smith[.at.]manchester.ac.uk
Van-Xuan TRAN +44 (0) 161 275 4331 van-xuan.tran[.at.]edfenergy.com
MICADO - INumLab 04200 SISTERON - France) www.micado-Inumlab.com Member since 2018

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Nicolas GARDAN +33 (0)6 73 28 42 12 nicolas.gardan[.at.]afmicado.com
Naval Group 75015 Paris - France) www.naval-group.com Member since 2018

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Jean-Max SANCHEZ +33 (0)2 33 95 58 25 jean-max.sanchez[.at.]naval-group.com
Cédric LEBLOND +33 (0)2 44 76 57 93 cedric.leblond[.at.]naval-group.com
NECS 92330 Sceaux - France www.necs.eu Member since 2011

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Shahrokh GHAVAMIAN +33 (0)1 41 13 86 60 sg[.at.]necs.fr
Hugo BARSOTTI +33 (0)1 41 13 86 60 hugo.barsotti[.at.]necs.fr
NRCTech 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland www.nrctech.ch Member since 2015

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Alain SCHORDERET +41 2 16 93 86 34 alain.schorderet[.at.]nrctech.ch
PERMASWAGE 78344 Les Clayes-sous-Bois www.permaswage.com Member since 2014

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Stéphane HERAUD +33 (0)1 30 79 17 21 stephane.heraud[.at.]permaswage.com
ROLEX SA 1211 Genève 26 - Switzerland www.rolex.com Member since 2013
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Fabiano COLPO +41 (0)22 302 6216 fabiano.colpo[.at.]rolex.com
Blaise FRACHEBOUD +41 (0)22 302 6216 blaise.fracheboud[.at.]rolex.com
Setec TPI Paris - France www.tpi.setec.com Membre depuis 2019
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Franck Chansard +33 182516884 franck-mickaet.chansard@setec.com
STRAINS 75013 PARIS – France www.strains.fr Member since March 2017
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Luciano TOSINI +33 6 46 88 52 16 luciano.tosini[.at.]strains.fr
Xavier CESPEDES +33 6 14 59 85 72 xavier.cespedes[.at.]strains.fr
Tractebel-Engie F 92622 Gennevilliers - France www.tractebel-engie.com Member since 2016
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Andrea CARLETTO + 33 (0)1 41 85 17 37 andrea.carletto[.at.]tractebel.engie.com
Loïc CLOITRE +33 (0)4 78 63 69 14 loic.cloitre[.at.]tractebel.engie.com
Emilie LEROUX +33 (0)4 78 63 66 03 emilie.leroux[.at.]tractebel.engie.com
VALEO 94046 Créteil - France www.valeo.com Member since 2011

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Renan LEON +33 (0)1 48 98 28 41 renan.leon[.at.]valeo.com
Jean-François BISSON +33 (0)1 80 51 49 12 jean-francois.bisson[.at.]valeo.com